A simple Vampire Survivors clone (at least I think I've never played it) featuring Koishi, Satori, Okuu and Orin.

Kill enemies to get power and get new items once you fill the power meter.


Once you get an item you can either equip it or use it to upgrade one of your existing items. You can cary multiple of the same item and get multiple the benefits (besides Dowsing Rods, having 2 of those will not benefit you). There are 3 item types Attack, Passive and One Time Use. The first 2 can be upgraded up to level 5 to make better, while One Time Use will be used and disappear once you press confirm. Items can be reordered in the pause menu.


wasd/arrows/right mouse button - movement

left mouse button/1-6 attack

esc/tab - pause

Holding the left mouse button will cycle through your attack items using their order in your inventory, or you can press the number key corresponding to the position of the attack item.

You can walk with wasd or arrows, or you can point where you want to go and press the right mouse button.

Resources used:

Chireiden Survivors uses materials from the following sources:


BGM of ajapa: http://ajapabgm.html.xdomain.jp/

生パン庫: https://namapann.com/

Sound Effects:

On-Jin ~音人~: https://on-jin.com/

ポケットサウンド: https://pocket-se.info/


spellyon: http://dispell.net/

dairi: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/4920496

Version info:


I accidentally set the wrong starting item. This is the only thing that was changed from the first version.


Added an html5 version of the game.

Fixed music randomly stopping during gameplay.

Fixed some enemy issues.

Added tab as a pause button since esc will most likely unfullscreen if you play in the browser.


New items and enemies.

Items can now be upgraded up to level 10.

Major sprite changes.

Balance adjustments.

Various bug fixes.


Fixed audio issues after going back to the main menu.

Fixed settings issues.

Various other minor bug fixes.

PlatformsWindows, HTML5
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreAction, Survival
Tags2D, Casual, Cute, Indie, Pixel Art, Singleplayer, Top-Down, Touhou
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


ChireidenSurvivors v. 85 MB
ChireidenSurvivors v. 85 MB
ChireidenSurvivors v. 84 MB
ChireidenSurvivors v. 84 MB
ChireidenSurvivors v. 84 MB

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